About Me

Awarm welcome and hello!  Whether you stumbled upon my business or sought me out I'm very glad that you're here.  My name is Jennifer Rogers. My friends call me Jen so I hope you will soon feel so comfortable as to do the same.  I'm the owner of A Place In Time Photography, LLC. (click link to visit my other website & portfolio)

I am a professional fine art photographer and private photography guide in Western Utah.  I have come to love nothing more than being able to spend time in the peaceful solitude of the desert with the Onaqui wild mustangs and to be able to educate guests about their family structure, natural behaviors, history and the struggles that they currently face throughout the West.

I feel so very fortunate to have spent 14 years previously working with clients in the Hawaiian Islands to provide them with personalized photographic services and products to fill the walls in their homes.  While in the islands, I also spent endless hours on the Pacific Ocean on my paddleboard documenting and enjoying the marine life which called these crystal clear blue waters home. 

From there, I relocated to rural Utah to immerse myself in the lives of the Onaqui mustangs which live wild and free on over 200,000 acres of public lands.

Conservation efforts, including photographic documentation, education and protection, have always been at the forefront of my mind even as a young girl.  I spent long hours near woods and streams learning to identify tracks and understand wildlife behavior.  This has carried with me through the years as I traveled abroad exploring several countries where I loved volunteering time and photography skills at animal sanctuaries or private reserves.

I am so grateful that all of my travels and life experiences have paved the way for me to reside full-time in Utah and to be able to pour me heart into creating a safe, eco-friendly and informative private photo safari where I can guide guests through a beautiful sprawling landscape containing the captivating Onaqui Wild mustangs. 

The motivation behind creating my fine art images and private photo safaris is much more than just making pretty pictures – it is to try to capture the very essence of America’s heritage in the wild mustangs and to increase awareness and appreciation for their place not only in our history, but in our present and future.  It’s also to give them a voice and introduce them to a wider population of people who weren’t aware of the struggles they face simply to maintain their wild existence.

I have been fortunate to be able to share my images with not only hundreds of special clients, but with

  • National Geographic 
  • Canon USA 
  • National Geographic Uganda 
  • WildPlanet Photo Magazine 
  • WildEarth Guardians
  • Alaska Chamber of Commerce 
  • Dwell Magazine
  • Luxury Home Magazine
  • Houzz
  • Christies International
  • The Hyatt
  • and various National Park Services just to name a few.

In addition to starting an eco-friendly and conservation minded photo tour business, I founded a 501(c)(3) non-profit called Red Birds TrustRed Birds Trust is a small grass roots group of locals which aim to preserve & protect the lives of the Onaqui Wild Mustangs both on the range and after roundups. With no stone left unturned, Red Birds Trust tried everything, including hosting and speaking at an event at the State Capital to try to halt the proposed removal of 70% of the herd in July of 2021 by chasing them with helicopters into traps.  Tragically these efforts were in vain and 312 of the approximately 500 Onaqui Wild Mustangs lost their freedom in July of 2021.

I then adopted 3 mustangs personally and worked with many sanctuaries and private individuals to coordinate the adoption and placement of well over half of the remaining Onaqui which were taken from the range.  I continue to organize range cleanups annually where volunteers come from across the US to remove dangerous barbed wire fencing and debris to make a safer environment for the wild horses and various other wildlife who calls these public lands home.

In addition to this, Red Birds Trust has continued to step in to rescue our Onaqui who have fallen into the slaughter pipeline after the 2021 roundup and get them to safe forever homes.  More details of the continuous work done to save these horses can be found on the Red Birds Trust website.


Thank you for taking this moment of your time to learn a little more about me and I look forward to working together soon.  If you'd like to view other samples of my work please just click here.  If you'd like to meet my rescued mustangs please just scroll down a bit further.....

Mahalo Nui Loa,


ph: 808.214.6252

email: wildhorsephotosafaris@gmail.com

IG: @wildhorsephotosafaris and @aplaceintimephotosmaui

BLM Permit #LLUTW01100-22-001

My Rescues

Cheyenne Grace: Unlike the Onaqui rescues, Cheyenne Grace’s story in the wild will likely never be known.  Because of her brand we know that she was once a member of the Swasey herd here in Utah and as of October 2021 is estimated to be 1.5 years old.  She was captured and removed from the range on July 24, 2020 then adopted to her first placement on September 8th, 2020.

She was then dropped off at the Delta, Utah Wild Horse and Burro facility in September 2021 after her owner could no longer care for her or the other pinto gelding they had adopted.

After her return she was temporarily housed with two returned geldings in the back of the facility while the 300+ Onaqui horses were readied for adoption.  Visitors of the facility had no idea she was there and she needed time to put on weight and recover because she was very, very thin and had no foot care whatsoever at her previous home.

As luck would have it, right before a week of closures at the facility, the Swasey horses were placed in with the Onaqui making them now visible for those who came to visit. 

Cheyenne Grace stole the hearts of several volunteers in no time and as with all things in life that suddenly become certain, it became certain to me that this very skinny mare with half her mane chewed off but bright, shiny, loving eyes needed to come with me to her forever home.

Cheyenne Grace was adopted the very second that the Delta holding facility opened once again for public visitation on October 18, 2021 and on October 20, 2021 she made the last departure from the BLM holding facility and began her journey home.


 Teton: Teton was born in the summer of 2020 into a band lead by the lovely grey band stallion known as Goliath.  Teton, Red Bird and Little Star were the Three Amigos of the Onaqui world and were never more than a few feet apart.  Little Star was born to mare Marley a tad later that summer, and Red Bird was the last to be born in early fall to a striking grey mare called Misty.

The Three Amigos were always such a joy to be around!  They were constantly trying to test boundaries with Little Star in the lead and Teton as her trusted backup.  And never to be left behind came Red Bird bringing up the tail end of the trio trying to be as brave as his two besties.   All three babies entered their gangly, fluffy teenage stage as winter began to envelop the west.  As spring brought with it warming temperatures and melting snow the babies began to shed their thick winter coats.

Months quickly passed and spring turned to summer all the while the three amigos grew and grew.  And as luck would have it Marley had become pregnant by a handsome, brawny roan stallion somewhere along the way and she gave birth to a little baby bay colt who would become known as Dreamcatcher far and wide.  The three amigos doted and fawned over the newest addition and while Red Bird stood guard while Dreamcatcher lay soundly sleeping under the summer sun Teton began exploring further from home finding friends in nearby bands to practice his sparing, tussling and grooming.

Teton has turned into just that – a mountain sized gelding but despite his size he never lost his sweetness or gentle heart.  There was absolutely zero question when the news of his capture and transfer to the Delta facility became known that he would be adopted and brought home to join Jen’s expanding fur family and stay safe in the West Utah desert where he’d been born and raised a short distance away.


Dreamcatcher: Dreamcatcher was just that – an almost ethereal little curious, loving, patient and kind bay colt that was absolutely loved and adored by the yearlings in his band.  He was born at the end of March 2021.  Red Bird took the role as Dreamcatcher’s lead care taker since his dam Marley had her hands full with now two babies.  Red Bird would groom him, stand guard over him while he slept and so very gently teach him the beginning lessons of how to stand and play.

Even as a wee one, Dreamcatcher had such a kind, curious nature about him and a quiet confidence which allowed him to carefully expand his horizons further away from his mom than most to meet new horse friends and assess new humans that may show up.  While careful, he was never unreasonable about his level of caution and took on new experiences with relative ease.

We’ll never know what must have gone through his mind during the July 2021 roundup where at only a little over 4 months of age he was chased by a helicopter with the rest of his band, loaded into a livestock trailer and then inadvertently separated from his mom, sister and all the other horses he knew.  How this precious little soul slipped through the cracks will also never be known.

Dreamcatcher brings nothing but joy to anyone who’s fortunate enough to be in his presence and his band brother Teton is his constant guardian and teacher in their new domestic life.


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